I could not figure out what I get myself for my birthday ( November 22), then inspiration hit: the Singelringen! (www.singeringen.com)
When I first heard of the Singelringen I thought it was a clever idea. We single folks do need a way to shout out that we are on the market..what better way than a ring?!?!
Four days ago, I sauntered myself down to Hus on Christopher Street in NYC to take a look at the rings. A helpful and handsome Swedish guy helped me pick out my ring. If memory serves me correctly the ring comes in 4 sizes, I am a number 1. I didn't love it at first, but decided to get it anyway. As I walked away with my ring, he called out "enjoy your single time". Oh hell to the yes I will!
I don't know if my attitude changed after I bought the ring or what, but after I left the store I had men smiling at me and speaking to me as I walked in the streets. Today I got a lunch date...
I have been telling everyone about my new ring, cause now I LOVE it. I had to get use to the color (I tend to only wear black). When I mentioned to someone that I have had a little bit more male attention since I got the ring, we joked about how I should blog about my new adventures with the Singelringen.
Bada bing, bada boom, it's on...cause I'm Singelringen in the city!
Luscious Lifestyle Diva
1 comment:
I just got one and we'll see how it works for me this year.
P.S. Are you the Shoshanah that used to be at Shoshanah-Says?
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