Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Love and Money

Rockin' the ring as usual!

I am trying to set up two great people right now cause I think they would be perfect for each other. One of them is hesitate because out of all things... the other person is way successful and has defiantly been blessed with an abundance of material things. I would have never though this would be an issue.

I talked to my mom about it 'cause for the life of I don't get it, what is wrong with being set up with someone who gets paid what they are worth? Artist types get so weird about money issues, they never think money is important, but complain about who they can't afford this and that. Oy vey!

Money does not automatically make people evil or materialistic. Rich folks need love to!


Monday, December 24, 2007

It's Almost A Wrap!

Yesterday my friend, Adrienne, and I began to realize that the year of the soul mate is REALLY almost over. It's a wrap folks. Oy vey! We didn't know if we should panic or simply think that anything can happen in the next few days. Honestly, I am to tired of it all to think about it..though come New Year's eve it will be front and center if I don't have anyone to kiss. : O

While talking to Adrienne I did remember that I need to be incorporating "the pact". You may have heard of it. Speak to at least three different men during the day, even if they are strangers cause it increases your chances of meeting a man. There is truth in that. The more men I talk to the more men I attract. If you are finding it hard to meet men...I'm telling you incorporate the pact into your day and notice the difference.

Til next time,

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Clean House

I am getting ready to write my gratitude letter for 2008, so of course I am thinking about men.

I have cleaned house on all men to make way for new ones! LOut with all the old crap, in with the men. That also means I am done with my flirtatious dead end with the King of Queens.I think I have come to the conclusion that it isn't me he is interested, he just likes the attention.

There are three new men on the horizon. I'll call one D, the other A,then there's the comedian. As for D, it's complicated with him, but he is so into me and he is not being shy about it. He also sends me text messages in the middle of the day saying how beautiful I am. Now that I like! I just don't know if getting invloved with him would be a good thing.

As for A, he is artsy and hip. My interest is growing. The more I learn about him, the more I like. He may be a bit of a dog, I am trying to figure it out...and the comedian I met last night. He's a cutie pie! Tall just like I like him, witty, can hold a good conversation, but the question is, is he funny? There is nothing hotter than a an on top of his game. We exchanged info..let's see if he calls.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Brunch in Chelsea

Brunching in the city. Don't I look cute rockin' my singelringen!?!
The neighborhood may not have been ideal for a single woman to be picked up in, but you never know when love is gonna strike.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Same 'Ole

Every time I feel like I am at a dead end with the King of Queens he does something to makes me feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I will spare you all the details, cause it the typical confusing stuff that men do. With him it is truly baby steps... but he is totally worth it!

I didn't sell the Reyes painting at the holiday sale I participated in. So, I have to as myself what should I do with it..give it to him or try to unload it another way.

I had quite a few men hit on me last week, but nothing to get excited about. I know that in 2008 I need to spend more time around men. Since my company is for women, I find myself always in the company of women. I gotta get some balance going...

I am launching an online radio show at the end of the this month called "Luscious Living". I want all my guests for February to be related to love, sexuality, singles, love coaches, etc. If there is a topic you want covered drop me a line.

Lusciously single,

Monday, December 10, 2007

Scott Baio gets hitched!

Scott Baio is no longer single.(,,20165221,00.html). This is really news?

Let me know when Dylan McDermott's divorce is final or if Josh breaks up with Fergie. Now that is news!

Lusciously single,

Sunday, December 9, 2007

99% Love Rating

According to my Facebook horoscope, my love rating for the day is 99%. I'll believe it when I see it.

I think that it's time that I start from scratch when it comes to men. None of them are "manning up”. The only one worth anything is the King of Queens and I am beginning to think it may be a dead end. Not sure what to think.

The good news is that according to a recent study New York City is the place to be if you are single. There is a hot event on the 20th for Black and Latino singles. I may have to suck it up and go. Got to be in it to win it.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Tonight as I was looking through my art work and I found a painting that I did for someone who was very special to me, his name was "Reyes". At one point I thought he was my soul mate. We had a connection that could not be denied.

I felt clear that he was the man that I wanted to spend my life with and the person I wanted with me on my life journey. A week after I felt this clarity, we had a huge argument and haven't talked since. It was a stupid fight and I honestly can't even remember what it was about.

My heart was broken, but I was forced to take a real good luck on what I want from my Mr.Right. While wonderful, Reyes was not the one. I never would have guessed that we would not be together, funny how the year has changed for me.Every once in a while I miss him, but what I miss is our friendship.

Sassy and single,

Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm Smitten

I ran into Paul today and he said he was trying to hook up with me for the weekend. I had to let the brother know that I had things going on, so calling me on Friday to hook for the weekend was not okay. I still feel like he is up to something and that he may already have a girlfriend.

As for the King of Queens, every time I see him, my heart skips a beat. It is such an amazing feeling. I can't remember the last time I was this smitten with someone. Maybe it's all in my mind, maybe I am hyping this all up. He is just incredibly charming and so makes me laugh, but did I mention his dremay dimples? I simply couldn't get enough of him today (or any day for that matter..)

Only twenty eight more days left in 2007, this so called year of the soul mate. As Florida Evans said on Good Times, "Damn!, Damn! Damn!" Can I assume my soul mate is trapped under something heavy.

Lusciously single,